Friday, May 1, 2009

OK, Deep breath....

Sigh. I've been quite busy lately. Maybe not as busy as some of you, in all truth, but I'm the sort of person who enjoys a lot of time to just relax and recuperate. Being going 24/7 definitely wears me down...maybe more than the average person, I'm not sure. In any case, I realize I need to take a deep breath and relax. This month is going to be crazy among family obligations, CAP obligations, work obligations, church obligations, and fitting in time for just "hanging out" with friends... matter-of-fact, I probably won't be able to do everything that I would like to do. I love it when I can plan activities around each other so that I can participate in everything...I've been pretty successful at doing that, too. Well, now, things are starting to overlap...I will have to re-prioritize.

Also, I want to start spending more time with God...just talking to Him, talking about Him...this is my heart's desire. I've been playing with the idea of writing a script for a play...I have some ideas in my head, and I can picture bits and pieces of it...I just need to know how to tie it all in. I've been praying that if God wants me to write this that He'll reveal to me all its key parts(and so I know He will, if He wills ;) )...I've started writing down ideas so that I have a place to rearrange the thoughts, and well...I'll just see how it works out.

My parents just informed me that "we" were planning to go to NY Memorial Day Weekend...I was not included in these plans, so when I mentioned 2 things I had planned on doing with CAP that weekend...their response was "Kate, we're going to NY..." My response was "Uhh...noone told me this." "We always go to NY on Mem. weekend" Well, fyi to all of you, we haven't gone to NY on that weekend for the past 2 or 3 years...I'm almost always able to participate in our local memorial day parade. I don't know how we're going to work out this change in my plans...or even if my plans are going to have to change. But, yes, deep breath...

Also, I'm going to be working full time this summer, which I'm looking forward to. I can't wait for the summer to be here, so that I don't have to juggle schoolwork among everything else. Guess what? 1 month, summer break, then I'll be a senior! June 2010 is so near!

Anyways, I feel better now! Haven't really talked to any of you in a while, but you have been in my thoughts and prayers.

In Christ's love,


  1. Wow, you sound busy! I hope you can work it all out. I'll be praying for you.

  2. Writing a play! That is cool.

    I really understand what you mean about spending more time with God. I have been forced to cut myself free from more and more commitments as I prepare to leave to Argentina. I really need more time with God in preparation to minister down there.

    I am reminded of the verse in the Bible that says that if you want to find your life you will lose it. Well I have been reading a version of the Bible that translates that a little more strongly. It says that to find your life you must destroy it. It is true. If you want to find God you will have to destroy everything that is sharing your loyalty and attention.

    Well may God bless your summer!

  3. "BUSY" Seems to fit everyone's schedule but mine. Mine is normal.
    Not talking is right. ;P

    I need to sign onto blogger more, I haven't posted anything in 11 days.

  4. 11 days? gave me a small window of opportunity to get caught up with your posts, but I missed it! Next time, inform me :P
