Friday, May 15, 2009


So, I want to tell you all why my blog is titled "Agape" and why my address is There isn't one simple answer, because I have multiple reasons.

One of the reasons is that I am obsessed with the idea of the "God kind of love" known in Greek as agape, pronounced "ah-gah-pay." This is the kind of love that I seek to develop in myself towards others...not just specific others but to everyone I can. And so I've named my blog "Agape" to remind myself to consciously use this blog to practice using that perfect, pure, and holy love. This love seems to be the most incredible thing I have ever considered...which makes sense since "God is love." Right? I like this website well enough for its description of Agape.

I also chose this name because the Greek word Agape is spelled the same way as our English word agape, which is probably what most of you thought was my original intent in naming my blog. Agape meaning "wide open" fits the purpose of this blog also. I intend to let certain of my thoughts be opened wide for all to see. That's a scary prospect, I assure you.

So, yes...does it make sense now?