Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Writer's block? No more!

OK, so I haven't written anything in a while, and that's because I went through a period of complete and absolute writer's block. Thank God that's over with! I wrote something last night for the first time in two months. But here is what I wrote...enjoy.

A woman, twenty and two,
Lost herself once,
and then many times,
She can't remember with who,
or even why,
She would give away,
The treasure she had,
And lose every thing,
She thought was her own,
(To give and to take,
At her own will,)
Not knowing that,
Once gone,
She could never get it back.

So, woman, youthful and young,
Lose yourself once,
And then many times,
You won't remember with who,
or even why,
You would give away,
the treasure you had,
And lose everything,
You thought was your own,
(To give and to take,
At your own will,)
Not caring that,
Once gone, she
Can never get it back.

I know it's not the best, but it was inspired.

God Bless
Kate Lynn